Friday, October 13, 2006

As I left 'work' today, all I could think on was how great the need is for spanking children. "Timeout" leaves a child wallowing in their sin, thinking how mad they are at their parents, and searching for an alternative route to get what they want. The problem is not attended to. The parent is not dealing with the problem.

Spanking (when done biblically and wisely) allows the child to have no question in their mind that their behavior was wrong.

There are definitely other factors that need to be accounted for on this subject. The context of the spanking is crucial as well: Should it be done in love? Should it be done with self-control? Does an unbeliever possess love and self-control?

These are all things that have begun to roll around in my mind, and witnessing a household that is run without the use of spanking confirms the verse, 'Spare the rod; spoil the child.' On the flip side, living in a household that uses spanking biblically (Gerlt family) confirms (in my mind and to the lady at Rosa's) that children who know their authority will be well behaved and will trust the authority that the Lord has placed over them.


Kari Plevan said...

Good thoughts Mindy! How are you? Well, Dr. Mohler talked about spanking on his radio show the other should check it out! Hope all is well!

Sarah Bebee said...

Amen to spanking! I was spanked, and it did me good...I pray the Lord continues to give you love and patience with these kiddos as you learn your role in disciplining and teaching! And on another note...thanks for the honor of putting us on your links, and I love the update to your site! Come see me!

Erin said...

Thanks for the encouragement. You are a blessing.