Monday, June 05, 2006

Dead tired.."already?" you ask on the first day of camp. "Why yes!" I reply, "do you not realize how long I have been here already?" I feel as if I have already had a month of camp under my belt, and today (the first day of camp) doubled the energy drain percentage because it put kids into the mix. So, yes, it was a little rough today, but it went well for a first day. I was not as prepared as I thought I was. Never overestimate the preparedness for any situation. The situation itself cannot be fully experienced until it is experienced. Maybe this is why God chooses to put some people through hard experiences...


Erin said...

Wow, sweet Mindy. We are praying for you and the rest. We thought about you all day and said to each other multiple times, "They get kids today. Keep praying for the camp people." And we did. We prayed all day.
Miss you!

Jamie Butts said...

Wow, I'm so behind. Missed two Mindy posts. We are praying. I think about camp so often! Hug everyone for me and hug the kids often! Press on in the Lord and in the strength of HIS might. Heritage is praying for you too!