Friday, May 05, 2006

While driving nonchalantly through Dallas this past Sunday, my eyes interacted in a well-liked pastime of reading church zingers that are posted in the letter board signs in front of the church, but to my eyes amazement, I encountered one of the most heretical statements in my twenty -two years of existence.
The sign read verbatim: "God does not forgive. God does not condemn."
I can possibly understand the second statement from the verse in John that states that Jesus did not come into the world to condemn the world. But where in Christianity does this church get the first statement? (By the way, the church was a Christian church. I do not remember the name, but it was something like Unity Christian Church or something else with the words 'unity' and 'christian' in it.)

1 comment:

Jamie Butts said...

That's wild Mindy. What a poor testimony of God that sign portrays and they will be held accountable.

Speaking of bad church signs, did you see the latest in our neighborhood... "get somebody saved" - guess I see where they are going with it, but really could be worded better. I can't bring people out of their graves. I can't "get anybody saved"

Piper says that we can lead them to the water, and hold their head right next to it BUT we can NOT make them drink.

We need God to do in us what we can't do in ourselves. We need God to do in lost sinners what they cannot do themselves.
